Diário de alineexila

Day 5

Quinta-feira, 24 de Janeiro de 2019.

Day 5 Público

I am melting!!! This year the summer is very hot, actually I think I am in hell. My Godness... Where does all this heat come from???
I cleaned the refrigerator in the afternoon. This was only moment I get refreshed.
I don`t like ice water but the heat is immense. I am looking foward to Autumn.
In the summer season I love to eat fruits. My favourites fruits are banana, grapes, pear, strawberry, watermelon, pineapple, peach, avocado, kiwi, blackberry and mango.
I also eat salad every day but I like kinda.
Sometimes I wish I had borned centuries ago because the planet was quieter. Of course, it depends point of view of each person. Formerly peoples didn`t have many resources, it was very hard to get many things and even prevent naturals disaster. Despite this the food was planted and haversted naturally without agrotoxics and products harmful to health.
Currently We need of more wisdow to do what has to be done otherwise the planet will not hold. This is very sad.
Finally, may God help us to be wisdow and careful.



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